Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Alhamdulillah, we are in the month of Ramadhan. How great to be in this month. It's such a gift from Allah to us. See how Allah loves us? If He doesn't love us, why He gave such a wonderful month for us to worship to Him.? A month where every good deed that we do will be flooded with full of abundant reward.. Allhamdulillah. We have been given a chance to breathe and live it this month. The month that everyone is waiting for. So, don't forget to say Alhamdulillah. :)
So apparently, there's nothing much to say. Alhamdulillah, I have completed writing my research proposal, and just waiting for correction from my supervisor. :) And I hope, I gonna be able to defense on September. InsyaAllah :)
Another good news, my friend is getting engaged on the 5th of Syawal. I was so happy for her but at the
same time I feel so sad.. But I really hope I can be at her engagement day..InsyaAllah
And after 5 months, eventually I will be going back to Perlis.. Alahmdulillah. :)
"Malaikat Jibril datang kepadaku dan berkata:"Rugilah (kecewa) orang yang bila namamu disebut dia tidak mengucapkan shalawat atasmu". Aku mengucap:"Amin". "Rugi orang yang berkesempatan hidup bersama kedua orang tuanya tetapi dia tidak dimasukkan ke syurga". Aku berkata:"Amin". Jibril berkata lagi:"Rugi orang yang berkesempatan hidup pada bulan Ramadhan, tetapi tidak sampai terampuni dosa-dosanya". Lalu aku mengucapkan:"Amin". -Riwayat Imam Ahmad
Use this month to the maximum. It comes once every year, and we can't be guaranteed we will be able to
meet Ramadhan next year. Let makes this Ramadhan is the best Ramadhan in our life. InsyaAllah

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