I know, a lot of us now are wishing for the Eid that will come just a few days more. Same goes to me. Of course, everybody is now waiting for it.
Instead of wishing all my friends, something just came up from my mind. Does my Ramadhan this year is more better than the previous one? Oh! it is really tough question for me. If i say yes, is it true? If i say no, i don't think so.
But for me, i think this Ramadhan is much better than the last Ramadhan i ever had. Every year i waited for Ramadhan. I'm really excited about this month of Ramadhan. It just gave me the feelings that i will never get in other month. It is only in Ramadhan.
Alhamdulillah, i do the tarawih prayer most every night. But i do skip for several days. My health also in good condition, so the fasting become smooth and i don't even feel hungry even though i've a a compact schedule.
This year of Ramdhan, i also do the Tahajjud prayer. Seriously, i never done it before, but i've promise to myself that i will do it one day. and alhamdulillah i've done it in this blessing Ramadhan. The thing that i didn't do, i did not finished the 30 juzuk of al-quran. i wished, one day i'll be done it. but i do read the quran almost every day.
I writing this entry not intend to show-off of what i've done during this Ramadhan, I just want to share about the feeling of Ramadhan that i get. Get up in the morning to do the Tahajjud prayer is quite peaceful. I wish i can continue it even after ramadhan.insyaallah

"Ya Allah, jadikan aku antara hambaMu yang sentiasa istiqamah dalam segala perbuatan yang aku lakukan untuk mendapat keredhaanMu"
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