Alhamdulillah, the third paper was finished and now only left one paper to go, Power E which is on 10.11.10...And alhamdulillah the MGT paper went very well..At first i didn't confident because there are too many chapter have to cover and i just managed to cover half of them. Luckily, what i read, came out in the final.Alhamdulillah...
On 5/11/2010 which is on Deepavali, i and my twin went to Broga Hill.. We went there with my twin's friends. We arrived there about 6.30 am...I was really excited at first but when i reach the first peak, it was really tiring and i decided not to climb to 2nd and third peak. But the scenery at the first peak's very beautiful, but of course 2nd and 3rd peak are much beautiful.. xtau kenapa hari ni tulis english macam tunggang terbalik...just enjoy the pictures..Ciptaan tuhan itulah yang paling indah!

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